Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Reactions on Obama joining Foursquare

Today the White House has announced that president Obama is now on Foursquare. So many things come to someone's head after hearing this. I wondered what Twitter users thought about this and here are some of the users reactions I found (to me the last one is the winner):

  • Paul Gillin: Obama is now on Foursquare. Do you think he'll be satisfied with aspiring to the position of "mayor"?
  • Irene Rojas
    Pres. Obama is the mayor of Area 51! RT : Obama's been fooled into thinking Foursquare is somehow useful
  • William Behrmann
  • The Dark Lord: Obama is on Foursquare? This makes less sense than if Harry Potter had decided to 'check in' every time he found a horcrux.

Some interesting workshop proceedings

I've just found these workshop proceedings from some of last year's IUI and WWW workshops. I think they can be useful since they are quite related and they are not on ACM.

Reviewing Papers with PaperCritic

Here is a tool you lab monkeys might find useful. It's called PaperCritic and it has been created by a phd student from Trinity College who I met in Cambridge.

The idea behind PaperCritic is simple but quite interesting: PaperCritic allows Mendeley users to review papers and also provide ratings on different aspects: references, originality, argumentation and readability. You can also add a button on your toolbar which allows reviewing papers in one click (similar to the "one-click-button" from Mendeley). They have just launched it so of course there is still a lot of space for improvements but it looks cool anyway. I like the way they are using the Mendeley API although it seems they are also restricted by it.

You can try the tool here.

Facebook relationship status

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Datasets and APIs

I've put together these API links and datasets (some from your emails) that can be useful for you at some point:

Flixster/Rotten Tomatoes API: http://developer.rottentomatoes.com/docs
Netflix: http://narod.ru/disk/7133213001/netflix.7z.html

Blippr: http://www.blippr.com/api
Best Buy: http://bbyopen.com/
Shopsense: http://shopsense.shopstyle.com/
Amazon: http://aws.amazon.com/code

Clique datasets: http://www.cliquecluster.org/data
3Taps(eBay, Craigslist, Etsy, Twitter...): http://3taps.com/developers
Synthetic Datasets: http://code.richrelevance.com/reclab-core/

Sentiment Analysis
If you need to do sentiment analysis on Twitter, Standford has a sentiment tool that seems to work quite well: https://sites.google.com/site/twittersentimenthelp/api
You can try their tool here: http://twittersentiment.appspot.com/

NOTE: You can update this post if you have any other useful links!

Let's get Social!

Hey guys!

I've created this private blog so we can share stuff about our research. I've noticed we keep sending emails with useful links but then it's hard to find those links again... So that's why I think we can organise all this information a bit better. So we can have some categories like news, datasets, conferences, spare time...

By now I've made the blog private. We don't want people to know about our amazing ideas!!! :p

Anyway, hope you like the idea and that you start blogging soon!

Sincerely Yours,

The Spanish Monkey